Afflictions come in many forms . . .
Mental anguish,
Physical pain,
Loss of a loved one,
Frustration when things do not work out your way,
Tiredness in your spirit
Physical separation.
This world has much suffering.
Yet. . .
Peace is still calling you.
Come back to center,
Be still,
Soothe yourself,
Listen to the voice of your heart,
Sit, write, reflect on the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
Walk with Mother Nature.
Go to a place where you find God’s love filling you up, settle in, and find peace there.
Listen to God’s voice.. Make the decision that leads to peace.
Peace is not the absence of afflictions, it is being calm in the midst of it all.
Sweet peace can reside within you, and co-exist with afflictions,
God’s got you.
You’ve got this.
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