April is National Card and Letter Writing month. It’s time to pull out pen and paper (or love notes) and write a hand written card or letter to someone you love. Why?
A personal love note written from the heart is a treasured gift that will last forever. The very act of writing and declaring your love brings you closer together and feeling more love.
In this age of texting, email and virtual everything, words seem so fleeting. Isn’t it refreshing to know that you can write a permanent declaration of your love. It only takes a few minutes to think of another and let them know how much they mean to you.
Expressing your feelings answers the question, “How much do I love you?” The English poet Elizabeth Barret Browning conveyed it so powerfully in the 1800’s sonnet, “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” It is awesome to count the ways that you love another, whether it’s your partner, parent, child or friend.
As the creator of the ‘Christmas Love Box’ tradition people ask me, “How do I write a love note?” Here are 3 easy steps.
- Tell your beloved about the little things that you find so appealing and attractive about them.
- Become aware of how the other person is a gift to you.
- Write from your heart and let the words flow. Forget about the quality of writing and share the feelings and thoughts you have about the person.
Elizabeth wrote, “I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life! – and if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.” Talk about overflowing, enduring love.
Everything is temporary except love. Love lasts forever. Express too much love today – while you can, in a love note. Life is for a limited time only.
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